The soul of the ocean
Founded by “aito” of the ocean, Huukena Ismaël, Kuhane o Hiva (the soul of the ocean) is an association based in “French Polynesia” that is dedicated to protecting the ocean and her inhabitants. The goal of Kuhane o Hiva is to be able to respond to ocean emergencies involving all types of species. Calls from all over Polynesia come in.
About Huukena Ismaël
"We want to try to revive culture through people," explains Ismaël Huukena, "today young people prefer to play video games and connect to social networks rather than be interested in their culture, we want to show them the importance.”
Known as “the aito” of the ocean for swimming from island to island (more than 3,000 km in total), Huukena has a gift for communicating with animals that is used to support our missions.